Housing, Utility, & Disaster Assistance

  • American Red Cross

    A humanitarian organization which provides relief to victims of disasters including food, shelter, clothing and other essential items needed to keep families and individuals healthy and able to work. ARC serves approx 50 families and over 150 people in Darlington County who have lost their homes due to fires or floods.

    Call (843) 662-8121

  • Hartsville Interfaith Ministries

    HIM is a Christian ministry, created to act as a coordinated extension for local churches to work with DSS, utility companies, pharmacies and landlords by providing assistance to residents in facing a crisis situation. Emergency Food Bank is on site.

    Call (843) 309-9200

  • Habitat for Humanities

    Darlington County Habitat for Humanity believes that every man, woman and child should have a simple, durable place to live in dignity and safety, and that decent shelter in decent communities should be a matter of conscience and action for all. United Way helps to provide funding for the home's foundation.

    Call (843) 383-8500 Office



  • LIHEAP (DC Community Action Agency)

    Provides funds to local Community Action Agencies that are used to help eligible families with energy costs. With the support of LIHEAP funding, Darlington County Community Action Agency provides federally funded assistance to individuals in need to help manage costs associated with:

    Home energy bills

    Energy crises

    Weatherization and energy-related minor home repairs

    Phone: (843) 332-1135


  • Rent Assistance (DC Community Action Agency)

    The Darlington County Community Action Agency assists residents with their rent payments, in an emergency situation.

    This service is provided only IF funds are available.

    Phone: (843) 332-1135
